How to Attract Happiness with the Power of Words


Do you want to enjoy life, get rid of problems, and succeed? Do you think it requires a lot of hard work and struggle? What if I told you that there is a simple and effective way to achieve your goals and dreams? A way that does not depend on external factors, but only on yourself. A way that uses the power of words.

Words are not just sounds or symbols that we use to communicate. Words are also vibrations that affect our subconscious mind and our reality. Words can create or destroy, heal or harm, inspire or discourage. Words can shape our thoughts, feelings, actions, and outcomes.

That is why it is so important to choose your words wisely. To use words that empower you, not limit you. To use words that attract happiness, not misery. To use words that align with your true self, not with your fears.

In this blog post, I will share with you 10 words that will help you attract happiness and luck into your life. These are words that have positive meanings and connotations, words that resonate with the universal energy of abundance and joy. These are words that you should use often, with conviction and intention, to create the reality you desire.

10 Words That Attract Happiness

  • Good luck. Luck is not something random or unpredictable. Luck is something you can attract by believing in yourself and expecting positive outcomes. Luck loves being called by her first name. But you need to use this word confidently and only with a positive attitude. Don’t say: “Oh, I wish luck could smile at me…” Instead, say: “I believe that luck will smile on me today.”
  • Happy. Happiness is not something you chase or wait for. Happiness is something you create and experience in the present moment. Happiness is your natural state of being, your birthright. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look into the future with confidence: “I will surely attain my happiness.” By repeating this word, you will bring your goal closer to yourself and in a while you will really feel a happy person.
  • Love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is the essence of who you are, the source of all creation. Love is what connects you to everything and everyone. The ability to love yourself and the world around you is a key to luck that does not love blackened people. Remind yourself of this truth every day and express your feelings openly: “I love myself unconditionally.” “I love this world for its beauty and the possibilities it opens to me.” “I love my family and friends for their support and kindness.” And the world will hasten to respond to you with more love.
  • Well-being. Well-being is a state of balance and harmony between your body, mind, and soul. Well-being is what allows you to enjoy life fully and freely. Well-being is what attracts more abundance and prosperity into your life. The word well-being consists of two parts: well and being. If you rearrange them, you will see a combination of “receiving good”. If you use this word often, and especially if you wish well-being for others, you will truly begin to receive good from life and turn your luck to yourself.
  • Gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and recognition for all the blessings in your life. Gratitude is what opens your heart and mind to receive more goodness from the universe. Gratitude is what transforms your challenges into opportunities and your problems into solutions. The word gratitude also consists of two parts: grate and tude. If you analyze them by ingredients, you will get a combination of “giving good”. Fortune turns its back on those who are able to only get without giving anything in return. Therefore, give thanks for your successes, namely the word “thank you”, your loved ones, successful circumstances, those who have proved you even if it is insignificant but help, and next time luck will not deny you its favor.
  • Success. Success is not something you measure by external standards or compare with others. Success is something you define by your own values and goals. Success is something you achieve by following your passion and purpose. Success is something you celebrate by sharing your gifts and talents with the world. Say this word more often so that all your endeavors be successful. This way you program yourself for luck and achieve what you want.
  • Certainty. Certainty is a feeling of confidence and trust in yourself and your abilities. Certainty is what gives you the courage to take action and face any challenge. Certainty is what helps you overcome any doubt and fear. Certainty is one of the fundamental feelings of successful people. If you believe in yourself, Fortune will favor you. Frequent repetition of this word will help you feel certain in your own strength, to convince yourself in your own faith, even if you had doubts at first.
  • Trust. Trust is a feeling of reliance and security in yourself and the universe. Trust is what allows you to let go of control and surrender to the flow of life. Trust is what enables you to accept what is and expect what will be. Trust is what makes you resilient and adaptable to any change. For your circumstances to work out, you need to trust life. Before doing something important to you, talk more often about trust: “I’m feeling trust in life.” “I know that the circumstances of life will work in my favor.”
  • Health. Health is a state of optimal physical and mental well-being. Health is what supports your vitality and longevity. Health is what enhances your beauty and attractiveness. Health is the key to luck, as it allows you to enjoy all the opportunities that life offers you. Negative words, discussions about illnesses, and constant complaints about well-being not only attract problems, but also deteriorate the body’s health. But the word “health” in positive combinations will help you always feel good.
  • Hope. Hope is a feeling of optimism and anticipation for the future. Hope is what motivates you to keep going and never give up. Hope is what inspires you to dream big and act boldly. Hope is what fuels your imagination and creativity. Hope forces a person to gather strength and move on even in the hardest situations. Say, “I hope for the best,” and luck will surely hear you and fulfill your hope.


Words have power. Words can change your life for the better or for worse. Words can attract happiness or misery. Words can create or destroy.

Choose your words wisely. Use words that empower you, not limit you. Use words that attract happiness, not misery. Use words that align with your true self, not with your fears.

Use these 10 words that attract happiness every day, with conviction and intention, to create the reality you desire.

Your happiness is in your hands. May Fortune always bestow you with its favour!

2 responses to “How to Attract Happiness with the Power of Words”

  1. I started saying “bmore” years ago.
    It makes more sense to me, then “bless”
    It may sound odd to you, but my friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family have come to expect it from me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “bmore” sounds like advice. Good advice, like “be more”… Very interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

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